- 2020 #103 (60p.)
- Author(s): GESAMP
- Publisher(s): GESAMP Office
- Journal Series GESAMP Reports and Studies
The overall objective of the workshop was to address the environmental and human health risks associated with plastic litter and microplastics in the
marine environment from a biological, physical and chemical perspective. This was to be achieved by undertaking a number of specific objectives:
1. Provide a state-of-the-art overview of risks and exposure pathways due to plastics and microplastics, including particles in the nano size range
2. Provide an overview of existing or planned international or other initiatives, to identify synergies and avoid overlap
3. Critically examine current methods of risk assessment
4. Make recommendations for improving risk assessment methods, including the potential for developing a risk assessment framework that can capture the complex risks and exposure pathways identified
5. Provide guidance to GESAMP on its future work programme with respect to assessing the risks from plastics and microplastics