- 1985 #23 (68p.)
- Author(s): GESAMP
- Publisher(s): WMO
- Journal Series Reports and Studies
Reports and Studies No. 23The present document summarizes the results of the work of the WMO-led GESAMP Working Group on the Interchange of Pollutants between the Atmosphere and the Oceans (INTERPOLL) subsequent to its first report which was published in the GESAMP Reports and Studies series No. 13 (GESAMP, 1980). These two reports should be taken together, since material included in the first report is generally not repeated in the second. If a distinction can be made between the two reports, then the first constitutes a rather broad overview of the hole topic, whereas the present report is more concerned with the behavior of specific pollutants, or group of pollutants, including those related to fossil fuel burning and those which have a potential for altering climate…