- 2001 #68 (113p.)
- Author(s): GESAMP
- Publisher(s): FAO
- Journal Series Reports and Studies
Reports and Studies No. 68
The coastal zone is characterized by ambiguities of resource ownership, and complex interactions between resources, cosystems and resource users. It has been widely recognised that to address these complexities, and to promote sustainable development in the coastal zone, a more integrated approach is needed, ideally within the framework of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM).
The rationale for more integrated approaches to aquaculture development is powerful: coastal aquaculture has brought significant economic and employment benefits to both national economies and coastal people throughout the world; aquaculture is highly vulnerable to pollution caused by other resource users; if poorly designed or managed it may cause pollution or the spread of disease; its impacts are often limited but incremental and cumulative; and it often takes place in areas where resource ownership or use rights are ill defined and ambiguous. Efforts to integrate aquaculture into coastal anagement can contribute to improvements in selection, protection and allocation of sites and other resources for existing and future aquaculture developments...
- Planning and Management for Sustainable Coastal Aquaculture Development (English) (787 kB)
- Planning and Management for Sustainable Coastal Aquaculture Development (Chinese) (3,902 kB)