- 1984 #24 (56p.)
- Author(s): GESAMP
- Publisher(s): FAO
- Journal Series Reports and Studies
Reports and Studies No. 24This study consists of two parts. In the first part (section 2-8) problems are identified, ecosystem effects described and potential impacts recognized. In a number of case studies, environmental impacts have been observed. The report also identifies regions of special sensitivity, such as tropical and subtropical zones, as well as those of particular biological importance for the coastal and marine ecosystem.
In the second part (section 9 and 10) guidelines for environmentally-sound siting and design practices are developed. Without trying to provide detailed assessment methodologies, or engineering recommendations, these sections list the sequential steps and time scale for studies and evaluations designed to match the engineering and planning steps of site and system selection, construction, commissioning and operation, and indicate how decisions can be made on a systematized, orderly and consistent basis...