GESAMP was represented at a workshop in London, UK to discuss the draft regulations regarding exploitation of mineral resources in the Area. The workshop paid specific attention to policy, legal and institutional considerations.
Dr Tracy Shimmield (British Geological Survey, Chair of GESAMP WG42) and Dr. Andrew Birchenough (IMO, Technical Secretary of GESAMP WG42) attended a workshop on the “Draft regulations for the exploitation of mineral resources in the Area”, held in London on (12-13 February 2018). The event was organised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom and The Royal Society, in partnership with the International Seabed Authority (ISA). The workshop followed the ISA’s recent consultation on the draft regulations and was an opportunity for Council Members, Observers, the Secretariat of the ISA and academics to discuss the draft regulations and assist the ISA in moving from a preliminary phase of managing the prospecting and exploration for minerals in the deep seabed to finalizing regulations for their exploitation.
In 2018, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) joined GESAMP as a UN Sponsoring Organization, bringing the total to ten sponsoring agencies. ISA is participating in the work of GESAMP WG42 on the impacts of mining wastes.